Preparation for Ludum Dare 50
Today's goal: Add some useful features to the Substratic library in preparation for Ludum Dare!
- Didn't have much time since last stream!
- I have been thinking a lot about how to improve this channel
Let's polish a few things before Ludum Dare
This weekend is Ludum Dare 50! I'll be participating in the 48 hour "Compo" event. Here are the rules:
We'll talk about how I want to approach the competition in the next stream!
There are a few things I'd like to add to the Substratic library before we head into Ludum Dare 50 this weekend!
- Aligned text rendering (center- and right-alignment)
- Displaying an FPS counter (how fast are we, really?)
- Automatic screen scale calculation (to render a pixellated game screen to a consistent output size)
For the last one, we're trying to target a low resolution (think retro games) within a specific viewport size, like 640x360 (16:9). Our "logical" resolution should be scaled up to the real window size as best as possible (and centered) while still keeping size within a power of 2.