Setting Up the Game

Today's goal: Write code that initializes a predefined game board and possibly make it interactive!


  • Fixed some issues found in the last stream
    • if expressions can now emit their else expression
    • Recursive function and let calls were not comparing the function name correctly
    • Lambdas generated from let expressions weren't capturing locals!
  • Also fixed a number of issues with garbage collection which caused crashes
  • We'll postpone the ECS implementation for now to make progress

Let's make this look like a game!

Today we're going to write the first part of the logic for Crash The Stack: putting organized tiles on the screen so that they can be clicked!

We're going to replicate a couple of basic game boards that I created for the previous incarnation of this game. We'll do this in two phases:

  • Make it possible to render game tiles in layers
  • Enable describing the game board in code using a slightly more convenient syntax

Tiles on the board have their own inherent coordinate system:

  • Middle of the screen is (0.0, 0.0)
  • Full tile positions are whole numbers like (3.0, 2.0)
  • Half tile positions are half numbers like (-1.5, 2.5)

Each higher layer also has an inherent pixel offset to render correctly!

Stack file examples:


DONE Manually create a simple game board with layers in code

TODO Create a game board using a data specification written in lists

TODO Add basic input handling logic so that tiles can be clicked

TODO Try to set up render scaling to make the tiles scale to window size


Next Steps