Rendering Thumbnails with Mesche
Today's goal: Write the Flux Harmonic thumbnail description in Mesche!
- Mark-and-sweep GC is now added!
- Added standard Scheme-style function definitions
- Added initial support for keyword arguments
Rendering Thumbnails with Mesche
Mesche needs the ability to describe a "scene" to be rendered, like this:
(define thumb (scene :width 1000 :height 1000 :members (list (circle :name 'circle1 :x 200 :y 500 :radius 100 :color (rgb 255 0 0)))))
To make this happen we'll need to define some functions both in Mesche and C to wire up this capability!
Let's see if we can get enough added to describe the Flux Harmonic thumbnail image purely in Mesche so that we can remove the hardcoded C code.
DONE Start building a set of Mesche functions to replicate what we want in the scene description
DONE Expose C functions for building the actual scene objects
DONE Add an object type for handling C pointers
TODO Implement a basic list object type
The changes for this stream can be found here: